Category Archives: Reader Appreciation

A grab-bag of thanks from the readers of Free To Give, and my thanks back to them.

A ‘thank you’ from Susan

Dear ‘Just a guy’

Firstly, I would like to thank you for your ‘Free to give’ book.

I have been a christian for 15 years and the tithe issue has never
quite gelled with me…in fact I refered to tithing as ‘mafia money’
… not nice but that was my heart.

Repeatedly I would ‘get another revelation’ and [...]

Posted in Reader Appreciation |

A ‘thank you’ from Kenneth

Hi Brother,

What a pleasure to read your book, it’s a very good compilation
of scriptures and has some things I hadn’t seen before. Your book
is the first work that I’ve read that actually agrees with what
the Holy Spirit is intimating to Christians. I too believe that
the Body of Christ must be set free from the religious [...]

Posted in Reader Appreciation |

Reply from


Hey- just wanted to let you know we got this, and I took a look at the
book. Really, really liked what I saw – I think it’s a great resource
and a very thorough look at an issue that is near and dear to my own
heart, and that I think Father wants to see redeemed in [...]

Also posted in Sad Tithing Stories |